The current environment; COVID-19 has lead to some unique challenges. Many of our offices have shut down, or at the minimum it is being suggested we work from home. On top of it, our children’s schools are closed down. Here in NYC, We are out of school until April 20th.
Historically when my son is home, it is for a few days so my wife and I have used some of the follow measures to help care
- Someone taking the time off
- Switched off while we both work
- Hired Help
- Asked family to provide help
Now, things are a bit different, it is not fair to ask someone for help and we are going to be home for a while! For this, I want to share some of my tips to getting through the next few challenging weeks. I plan to update the site as we go.
First Things First: Setup a Schedule
If you plan is to go in ad-hoc manage work and just go with the flow – STOP! Create a schedule for both you and the kid. My wife took it to another level, and made the schedule with my son, so he felt he is in charge and it is something he will look forward too. We will see how long it lasts, but with 1 day, I appreciate the structure it brings to my life. When my son woke up from his nap, I knew exactly what to do with him.
Stock up on New Toys and Crafts
Okay, we know it – you probably have a lot of toys and just stuff laying around. Now is the time to figure out what distractions were used in school and leverage some of them. It does mean purchasing some new things that you probably don’t have at home. Does your kid like a certain toy or item in the class. Get it!
Don’t Be Shy with Work
I made the decision to tell my team that is “Bring your Children to Work Days.” This little joke made everyone comfortable, as everyone is dealing with the same issue. I am okay if my son jump in front of the screen. One challenge might be when you are on a call – my suggestion here is when interrupted stay calm and just deal with your child. I also keep a distraction read.
Get a Go To Distraction
Drastic times call for drastic measures. Do not give it away but if you have a call that is very important know your go to distraction. In my case it is Disney+ specifically Mickey Mouse Clubhouse. It works every time, so be armed. It could be the iPad, your phone. No judging we have to get through this!
Gather the Education Resources
There are a lot of online educational options. Make sure to weave these into the day. Here is the list, I have now, I do plan to update over time.
Another interesting option is Instagram or Social Media in general. Yes, I did say educational and social media, but hear me out. I noticed there are some folks on Instagram that are going live with entertainment for kids. Now, I just saw this, so I will put a list together over time. Please contact me and share others!
- Rock’n’Lolo – Spanish and Music
Fun times ahead! Lets share ideas!